This one maybe not be the best band's introduction, but it's clearly personal and cathartic, that's how it's going :
The first time that my ear listened to the claustrofobic tunes of psychosis i was nearly 13 years old. Over 10 years has passed and everytime i'm putting that cassete - that my cousin has recorded for me back in the great tape-trading era of the late 90's. Yeah, i know. i was a little kid! - on my cassette-player i'm feeling the same terrifying emotions roll my body like it's the first time. Back in the day to have miserable band-names - here in greece - was a "must", maybe nowadays some of them seem a litlle bit naive and childish, but when i was a little kid i was afraid to put some of them in my cassette player (maybe the fear of dragons come out and eat me, i don't know) psychosis included.
I know that you're already laughing (especially if you are among the lucky bastards that have seen them play live and the usual stuff).
Ψυχωση (Psychosis) started back in 1993 in a suburb of athens, greece. They have released a demo tape called "burial of wrath" and have been a part of the legendary greek vinyl comp. "Disturbance of domestic peace".
They had scheduled the release of a cd that never came out (urban legend says that they will release it some day soon, 'coz the original tapes of the recording has been founded at last).
The cd has 8 tracks of Amebix / Axegrinder worshipping crust. Has been recorded somewhere in 1997 and i think these tracks are from the same session with the two tracks from the above mentioned comp.Guitars scissor ears with catchy and destroying riffs, while the drums keeps everything in place before the bass follows and destroy it. Heavy, mid-tempo hardcore / crust by one of the best bands ever (for me, globally)
Psychosis has written some of the best lyrics that i have ever read (and it's a shame that has not been translated) for the rotting hardcore scene, the alienation of human society and our power to change things. Some songs are untitled and with no vocals, but for me that's fine. I hope this cd someday to be released properly.
The "burial of wrath" demo tape has been recorded some years earlier, has more harsh production and the bass it's up to 11, but the quality of the tracks leaves no time to think about it, 'coz you'll press the "repeat all" button after the first listening. Now, that i'm thinking it again, you'll propably burn it on a cd - both files - and you'll listen it for one month straight in every place you'll be.
If an album has the "highly recommended" stamp, it's this one.
Their bassist nowadays plays for the post-rock band incognita sperans.
The rips are stollen from crust-demos, so if you haven't download them yet, here's the right time to do it. Cheers and shouts to billy (7inch).
Η λέρα που εξαπλώνεις σιγοτρώει τα σωθικά μου...

Apr 26, 2010
Tetsu arrey - Discography part 1
I decided not to post one of my favourite greek hardcore bands (just for now) so, go get some japcore.
Sweat, sweet and anger. Tetsu arrey. One name, the history of a kind (a genre to be more specific).
Throw away your pants, here's the real deal.
If you like your sex, wet and fast, full of emotions and powaaa, Tetsu arrey.
The constructors of the "Burning spirits" sound, tetsu arrey counts the days from the devastating year 1988 with their appeareance in the compilation lp "Eye of the thrash guerrila". They have released two lp's and three 7'' (in this post you'll get the 7inch called "force" and their first Lp).
The sound is as you can imagine, fast aggresive japcore as this blog often or not so often use to post. If you want to hear the japanese motorhead go download these fuckers. If you are in the crew of maniacs dying slowly for bands like Forward, Crude and the likes... Rockish hardcore punk over the top. I'm stealing some already written things from mountza fanzine : "tetsu arrey started this whole "Burning-spirits" thing alongside Forward. To make things more clear, burning spirits first was only just a name / title for the gigs of the afore-mentioned bands. Also, Death side had a track called "burning-spirits" so, some clever americans came up with the term "burning spirits sound" as an easy way to describe all that bands."
Some more stealing :
Huge drums start building up, and might I add, these drums sound GREAT for like 1989 or whenever. When the guitars come in its with a busy little riff halfway between Motörhead’s Iron Fist era and Kill ‘Em All Metallica. But when the song gets going, there’s a curve ball, the drummer takes marching style beat. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever heard. Skull cracking, biker Motörpunk, all with classic growling Japancore vocals laid on to.
download and die
Sweat, sweet and anger. Tetsu arrey. One name, the history of a kind (a genre to be more specific).
Throw away your pants, here's the real deal.
If you like your sex, wet and fast, full of emotions and powaaa, Tetsu arrey.
The constructors of the "Burning spirits" sound, tetsu arrey counts the days from the devastating year 1988 with their appeareance in the compilation lp "Eye of the thrash guerrila". They have released two lp's and three 7'' (in this post you'll get the 7inch called "force" and their first Lp).
The sound is as you can imagine, fast aggresive japcore as this blog often or not so often use to post. If you want to hear the japanese motorhead go download these fuckers. If you are in the crew of maniacs dying slowly for bands like Forward, Crude and the likes... Rockish hardcore punk over the top. I'm stealing some already written things from mountza fanzine : "tetsu arrey started this whole "Burning-spirits" thing alongside Forward. To make things more clear, burning spirits first was only just a name / title for the gigs of the afore-mentioned bands. Also, Death side had a track called "burning-spirits" so, some clever americans came up with the term "burning spirits sound" as an easy way to describe all that bands."
Some more stealing :
Huge drums start building up, and might I add, these drums sound GREAT for like 1989 or whenever. When the guitars come in its with a busy little riff halfway between Motörhead’s Iron Fist era and Kill ‘Em All Metallica. But when the song gets going, there’s a curve ball, the drummer takes marching style beat. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever heard. Skull cracking, biker Motörpunk, all with classic growling Japancore vocals laid on to.
download and die
Apr 23, 2010
Kyklooppien Sukupuutto - Self titled Lp & helvetin elementit 7''
Once more, a bomb from the north.
The last month, i can say i'm obsessed with the finnish tupatupa punk, so, i decided to post two albums in the price of one. Kyklooppien Sukupuutto hails from tampere, city of lunatics, finland. I say city of lunatics, 'coz if you have seen a pic of the band you may know what i'm talking about. Four silly, cute, juicy, gay friendly, guys playing raging, "badproduction" hardcore punk.
The band has already released a split with death token (get it here), and a demo.
With political lyrics the "extinction of Cyclops" (as the translated band's name is) throws in your face, little-measures of speedy, noisy hardcore punk with an ace in their sleeve the adherence of the unstoppable punk energy.
If you are in love with the new wave of finnish hardcore punk you'll surely dig this one. Alongside Kieltolaki the above mention freaks are the best capture of power coming out of speekers in a 45''rpm Lp.
You must be deaf if you can't enjoy the sing-alongs, the tupatupatupa awesome drumming and the electrocuted guitars. And like my good friend dbill sayed about kieltolaki : "Finish hardcore at its best, blending the original ingredients (Riistetyt, Kaaos, Destructions, Terveet Kadet etc.(and of course Rajahtaa fom greece)) with a strong touch of raw production, a spoonfull of exquisite musicianship and an exposive coctail of teenage angst about the political system and it's selfserving slaves". I must say that this statement match terrific for Kyklooppien's attitude too.
Kyklooppien Sukupuutto, demolishing the earscene again. Crashing with terrible speed, side A drops everything in its path with it’s hacking assault. On side B things decidedly take a turn for the worse as this bent machine grinds to a near halt as it digs its teeth in, unearthing a totally bone-shaking horror scenario. Ride the new wave of Finnish hardcore and witness Kyklooppien Sukupuutto produce their bleak view of disturbed, frustrated, wasted human individuals. Bigotry, with an inability to comprehend or change.
The last month, i can say i'm obsessed with the finnish tupatupa punk, so, i decided to post two albums in the price of one. Kyklooppien Sukupuutto hails from tampere, city of lunatics, finland. I say city of lunatics, 'coz if you have seen a pic of the band you may know what i'm talking about. Four silly, cute, juicy, gay friendly, guys playing raging, "badproduction" hardcore punk.
The band has already released a split with death token (get it here), and a demo.
With political lyrics the "extinction of Cyclops" (as the translated band's name is) throws in your face, little-measures of speedy, noisy hardcore punk with an ace in their sleeve the adherence of the unstoppable punk energy.
If you are in love with the new wave of finnish hardcore punk you'll surely dig this one. Alongside Kieltolaki the above mention freaks are the best capture of power coming out of speekers in a 45''rpm Lp.
You must be deaf if you can't enjoy the sing-alongs, the tupatupatupa awesome drumming and the electrocuted guitars. And like my good friend dbill sayed about kieltolaki : "Finish hardcore at its best, blending the original ingredients (Riistetyt, Kaaos, Destructions, Terveet Kadet etc.(and of course Rajahtaa fom greece)) with a strong touch of raw production, a spoonfull of exquisite musicianship and an exposive coctail of teenage angst about the political system and it's selfserving slaves". I must say that this statement match terrific for Kyklooppien's attitude too.
Kyklooppien Sukupuutto, demolishing the earscene again. Crashing with terrible speed, side A drops everything in its path with it’s hacking assault. On side B things decidedly take a turn for the worse as this bent machine grinds to a near halt as it digs its teeth in, unearthing a totally bone-shaking horror scenario. Ride the new wave of Finnish hardcore and witness Kyklooppien Sukupuutto produce their bleak view of disturbed, frustrated, wasted human individuals. Bigotry, with an inability to comprehend or change.
Apr 20, 2010
Nightmare & Burial & Crude - Axis of wolves - 3 way split Lp
I think, you already know who the fuck these japcorers are, so i'll keep it simple.
Nightmare hails from osaka and it's propably the longest act from japan. Started in 1988 they have released a bunch of records, seveninches and splits and they have been part of the famous "Eye of the thrash guerilla" compilation Lp. Here they participate two ugly, noisy, long and fast as fuck tracks of pure raging japanese hardcore. If you like the first releases of nightmare (and not the shitty lp scaterraw) this will shake your body really bad.
Next in line, my favourites german japunks (or japanese germ-punks?) from hagen, germany. You may be aware of the unleashing power of Burial's tank, but for those that don't, this is by far the best japcore band around the globe nowadays. They have released two lp's, two seveninches (get them here), and a split 7'' with athen's finest Antimob (get it here). Also, they have toured constantly including in their tours isolated places such as greece and japan, or not so isolated like northern europe.
Here you'll get two awesome in your face anthems, with the sound to be similar with their first 7inch. Forward, forward, forward....
Last on the bill, Hakodate's Crude. They started back in the mid 90's and they made a bunch of releases also. Full lenghts, splits and the list goes on and on... If you visit this blog frequently you already know that crude is the sword to chop some stupid heads off. Enjoy responsibly their previous posts here and here.
The vinyl version released as an one-sided, gatefold lp from hate records and the cd version by HG : fact records from japan, so if the economical crisis hasn't affect you yet, go and buy it...
This release came out to support the japanese tour these three bands did in 2007.
Thanx to dbill for this one, once again. cheers, mate.
tsouuaaa (download)
I'll start this off with one and only statement...this split LP is worth buying (or downloading) for the Burial tracks alone...they fucking rip you to pieces. I have said before that Burial is one of the few bands who constantly evolve their, and true to their game they add a heavy dose of thrashing to their equally heavy rocking...rocking and thrashing actually sums up what this band does on this LP. Bare in mind that these tracks were recorded after the ''Hungry Wolves'' 7'' and before the ''Speed at Night'' LP, with Norman from Bombenalarm as the guitarist (the bald jazz cutie they toured greece with the second time)...Eternal Excess might be my favorite track......addictive shit.
Packed in this piece of frozen petrolium is the monstrous Nightmare, and the epic Crude. If you are into total noise attack then you will fall in love with Nightmares sound. Raw as fuck production topped with nonstop screaming...I'm not the biggest fan of Nightmare, but their audio violence is well appreciated. Crude on the other hand are one of my favorite bands...the epic guitar leads, the catchy riffs, and the great song structures...though they are really held back on this recording mostly due to the really bad recording...''Attitude'' or ''1999'' LP's would be a much better introduction for you to this Jap monster...the songs on this split were later re-recorded with much better production, and re-released on Jannick's Feral Ward label as a 7''.
Last but not least the artwork is done by the huge Sugi, while the gatefold LP has a beatifull collage of pictures from the Nightmare-Burial-Crude ''Axis of Nightmare'' japanese tour, which will make you grateful you aren't as fucked up as your face Fabsie!!!!!!
dbill, Ph.D. in loving Burial
Apr 17, 2010
Kieltolaki - Massahypnoosi Lp
Kieltolaki (or at least a band member) contacted the blog. So, i asked him if he can give us some infos on the Kieltolaki chapter. So, whatever your name is thank you very much, (check also the comments) :
"our musical influences are a tender mixture of such a hardcore-punk bands as VARAUS, KAAOS, TAMPERE SS, LAMA, KUMIKRISTUS, KOLMAS PÄIVÄ, GBH, RIISTETYT, ENGLISH DOGS, CRUCIFIX, DISCHARGE, FINAL CONFLICT etc. but we try to keep the urgency and controlled aggression dominant! KIELTOLAKI shares members with SELFISH (the link between us and a Feral Ward?), KYLMÄ SOTA, PHOENIX FOUNDATION, AVOIMEN HAUDAN LÖYHKÄ, 1981. The songs deal with social politics, economics, climate, personal frustration, alcohol etc. in ironic and sometimes even in very sarcastic way."
-mikxx, suomy :
This vinyl rips...
You have to hear it.
Kieltolaki must be the wikipedia's description about old-school finnish hardcore played nowadays (with Kyklooppien Sukupuutto)
You know what you'll get, a tornado of d-beat, the old way, punk.
If you like the standar-likes such as : Kaaos, crucifix, bastards, destrucktions or rattus this is for you.
Released this year by feral ward records.
I couldn't find it any-blog-where else so...
"The next band on your jacket"
new link
-Dbill perkelle :
Do you like a good ass kicking? Well whether you want it or not, put this vinyl on your record player, bend over and prepear to fly out your window on a bloody fall from the 10th floor.
This is, as stated above by the ''too much'' mike, FIRST: one kick ass of a record filled with energy, disgust and true political punk attitude and SECOND: Finish hardcore at its best, blending the original ingredients (Riistetyt, Kaaos, Destructions, Terveet Kadet etc.) with a strong touch of raw production, a spoonfull of exquisite musicianship and an exposive coctail of teenage angst about the political system and it's selfserving slaves. I first got introduced to this Finn smasher through their s/t 7'', which i got from the distro @ (instead of ''at''... very modern tech by me ehhh?!!) Villa Amalias, on an infamous Punk Thursday, which i proceeded to hear 4 times in a row at 3:00 in the morning on my arrival at home... Needless to say, i never slept that night from the intensity... Kieltolaki.
Try saying this 20 times in a row and you are a winner:
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
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pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
"our musical influences are a tender mixture of such a hardcore-punk bands as VARAUS, KAAOS, TAMPERE SS, LAMA, KUMIKRISTUS, KOLMAS PÄIVÄ, GBH, RIISTETYT, ENGLISH DOGS, CRUCIFIX, DISCHARGE, FINAL CONFLICT etc. but we try to keep the urgency and controlled aggression dominant! KIELTOLAKI shares members with SELFISH (the link between us and a Feral Ward?), KYLMÄ SOTA, PHOENIX FOUNDATION, AVOIMEN HAUDAN LÖYHKÄ, 1981. The songs deal with social politics, economics, climate, personal frustration, alcohol etc. in ironic and sometimes even in very sarcastic way."
-mikxx, suomy :
This vinyl rips...
You have to hear it.
Kieltolaki must be the wikipedia's description about old-school finnish hardcore played nowadays (with Kyklooppien Sukupuutto)
You know what you'll get, a tornado of d-beat, the old way, punk.
If you like the standar-likes such as : Kaaos, crucifix, bastards, destrucktions or rattus this is for you.
Released this year by feral ward records.
I couldn't find it any-blog-where else so...
"The next band on your jacket"
new link
-Dbill perkelle :
Do you like a good ass kicking? Well whether you want it or not, put this vinyl on your record player, bend over and prepear to fly out your window on a bloody fall from the 10th floor.
This is, as stated above by the ''too much'' mike, FIRST: one kick ass of a record filled with energy, disgust and true political punk attitude and SECOND: Finish hardcore at its best, blending the original ingredients (Riistetyt, Kaaos, Destructions, Terveet Kadet etc.) with a strong touch of raw production, a spoonfull of exquisite musicianship and an exposive coctail of teenage angst about the political system and it's selfserving slaves. I first got introduced to this Finn smasher through their s/t 7'', which i got from the distro @ (instead of ''at''... very modern tech by me ehhh?!!) Villa Amalias, on an infamous Punk Thursday, which i proceeded to hear 4 times in a row at 3:00 in the morning on my arrival at home... Needless to say, i never slept that night from the intensity... Kieltolaki.
Try saying this 20 times in a row and you are a winner:
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
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pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
pelkaa kulutusjuhlaa
Apr 16, 2010
The dagda - An endless betrayal
I know that the previous post was not a musical one, but i think it's necessary to express your political speech in a difficult theme as the "revolutionary struggle" topic. Some guys will spent some (propably many) years of their lives in the "white cells" of the greek democracy, without any evidence... So, this post goes out to them...
Niko, kosta, vaggeli, Hristofore, Pola kai Saranto... We are with you...
So, let's get back on track...
I have read i fucking cool phrase in a blog once : "I know that this shit is all around the web, but it wasn't in my shit...".
The dagda was the type of band that you have to love to see live. Even, if the style of music they used to play was not your "cup of tea", these folks was an amusement of their own... I'm stealing some words from 7inchcrust : "...Dagda got on the stage and set the place on fire: Great band, awesome musicians and very nice people. great performance and the crowd went crazy, the vocalist left the stage two or three times and danced among the crowd who carried him on their hands, after an hour of mayhem they finished their show but the audience was still hungry for their crust so they came back for the encore...
One of thegreatest bands i have ever seen,one of the best gigs i have ever been..."
I was not so lucky to be among the lunatics that saw them in villa amalias squat back in the day, and the dvd from that gig is only enough to make you (or me) curse the twelve gods of olympos as long as you - still - got the lungs to do it, 'coz i bet that you will waste your breaths on screaming the lyrics of the dagda's dance...
This lp is propably one of the most haunting ones that i ever came across. Double male vocals, one screaming low-growling and one angry, yelling. Awesome drum works, check out the fifth song to understand what i am talking about. The riffs turns out demonic with an occult feeling. Imagine his hero is gone playing black metal in a rainy forest of the northern ireland.
The lyrics goes from great to greater including all the war, social themes in a personnal matter and not the typical dis-lyrics.
"With words they promised all, laid a path of pearls knowing the swine will follow. Lulled into obedience with a fable of destiny, scribed on blood...They the captains and we the crew. Every mutiny met and cosigned to the deep. An incursion by fools manned by the slaves..."
If you are not into epic, heavy, crustcore this is the right time to dig it.
7 songs, 40 minutes... Long, epic, awesome synthesis by the ultimate crust band from europe in early 00's (that i can recall). Dagda's members were previously in My Name Is Satan, Pink Turds in Space, Jobbykrust, and Bleeding Rectum.
This lp was released by : Ruin nation records, Unsociable records, Destructure records and Rinderherz records, so you may propably can find it...
Storming the gates of heaven
One thing is for sure...that live gig of the Dagda (along with athen's long gone punktrash outfit 925) will be carved on lot's of peoples memory as one of the best ones in Villa Amalias, bringing a smile to their faces, since i tentatively remember that period being one of the best the athenian squat had (musicwise at least). Pure ferocious energy, sweaty pogo dancing, stage dives from the highest speakers (wink wink...guess who and win brutal MMA beatdown), and all around good friendly atmosphere.
This LP is the follow up to the monstrous ''Threefold'' one, and continues on the same haunted path. The black metal influence is obvious, as well as the pagan/mother nature hugging attitude these veterans have gotten over the years (from their involvment with dozens of other diy bands i won't mention now). I must say i prefer the previous one (Threefold) as i find the production more raw, and because the riffs just go on and on forever, but this one is also really good, and leaves you wanting more from this Irish destroyer.
Worth mentioning is what great characters the Dagdas were, with some of them being in the diy movement for more than 15 or 20 years (!!!). Their interview on a past (but no sooo past) Profane Existance issue was enlightening as to their political wereabouts, and their various squat/action activities, and is for sure worth an eyeing.
Original fresh crust.
Niko, kosta, vaggeli, Hristofore, Pola kai Saranto... We are with you...
So, let's get back on track...
I have read i fucking cool phrase in a blog once : "I know that this shit is all around the web, but it wasn't in my shit...".
The dagda was the type of band that you have to love to see live. Even, if the style of music they used to play was not your "cup of tea", these folks was an amusement of their own... I'm stealing some words from 7inchcrust : "...Dagda got on the stage and set the place on fire: Great band, awesome musicians and very nice people. great performance and the crowd went crazy, the vocalist left the stage two or three times and danced among the crowd who carried him on their hands, after an hour of mayhem they finished their show but the audience was still hungry for their crust so they came back for the encore...
One of thegreatest bands i have ever seen,one of the best gigs i have ever been..."
I was not so lucky to be among the lunatics that saw them in villa amalias squat back in the day, and the dvd from that gig is only enough to make you (or me) curse the twelve gods of olympos as long as you - still - got the lungs to do it, 'coz i bet that you will waste your breaths on screaming the lyrics of the dagda's dance...
This lp is propably one of the most haunting ones that i ever came across. Double male vocals, one screaming low-growling and one angry, yelling. Awesome drum works, check out the fifth song to understand what i am talking about. The riffs turns out demonic with an occult feeling. Imagine his hero is gone playing black metal in a rainy forest of the northern ireland.
The lyrics goes from great to greater including all the war, social themes in a personnal matter and not the typical dis-lyrics.
"With words they promised all, laid a path of pearls knowing the swine will follow. Lulled into obedience with a fable of destiny, scribed on blood...They the captains and we the crew. Every mutiny met and cosigned to the deep. An incursion by fools manned by the slaves..."
If you are not into epic, heavy, crustcore this is the right time to dig it.
7 songs, 40 minutes... Long, epic, awesome synthesis by the ultimate crust band from europe in early 00's (that i can recall). Dagda's members were previously in My Name Is Satan, Pink Turds in Space, Jobbykrust, and Bleeding Rectum.
This lp was released by : Ruin nation records, Unsociable records, Destructure records and Rinderherz records, so you may propably can find it...
Storming the gates of heaven
One thing is for sure...that live gig of the Dagda (along with athen's long gone punktrash outfit 925) will be carved on lot's of peoples memory as one of the best ones in Villa Amalias, bringing a smile to their faces, since i tentatively remember that period being one of the best the athenian squat had (musicwise at least). Pure ferocious energy, sweaty pogo dancing, stage dives from the highest speakers (wink wink...guess who and win brutal MMA beatdown), and all around good friendly atmosphere.
This LP is the follow up to the monstrous ''Threefold'' one, and continues on the same haunted path. The black metal influence is obvious, as well as the pagan/mother nature hugging attitude these veterans have gotten over the years (from their involvment with dozens of other diy bands i won't mention now). I must say i prefer the previous one (Threefold) as i find the production more raw, and because the riffs just go on and on forever, but this one is also really good, and leaves you wanting more from this Irish destroyer.
Worth mentioning is what great characters the Dagdas were, with some of them being in the diy movement for more than 15 or 20 years (!!!). Their interview on a past (but no sooo past) Profane Existance issue was enlightening as to their political wereabouts, and their various squat/action activities, and is for sure worth an eyeing.
Original fresh crust.
Apr 15, 2010
For the case of "Revolutionary struggle"
What follows is a translation of the announcement of the ESIEA
occupation :
Six of our comrades have been arrested and accused as terrorists. A comedy rehearsed a thousand times is once again staged on the theatre of 'public opinion'. The 'busting of terrorism' is a play that has been performed so many times that even the shortest of memories can accurately predict every single act of it. A play with famous well known producers, with known sold-out theatre critics, with a known public which watches passively and with the side balconies which are struggling to ruin the performance. And as always the usual victims. Why now, why in this way? Why did they choose this moment? There are no elections ahead of us. There are no Olympic Games. Nor government reshuffles, nor (at this moment) any new anti-terrorist laws. We have something far more substantial: the practical failure of the model of exploitation of the last decades. We have the total revelation of the lie of capitalist prosperity. We have the end of the myth that subordination and consent "pay off". How retarded do they think we are, so that they expect us not to notice that the premier of the "busting" play was only a few hours away from the completion of the deal of greek power with its international siblings for the management of their new attack against society? For many months now the communication campaign that advertises the need of the poor becoming voluntarily poorer is running parallel with another campaign: repression is spreading its tentacles everywhere. From the judiciary orgy of the Chalandri case, to the Wild West of money warrants, to the attacks on open political spaces, to the preventive detentions of thousands of people, to the attacks against self-organised projects, to the activation of the fascist stay-behinds...A campaign based on more local campaigns of terror for its realisation and its salvation every time it failed. From the "sanctuary of Exarcheia" to the "university asylum" and the "anniversary of December" we have ended up in the last month in the minutely detailed pre-announcement of targeting specific struggling people, until their final arrest. Thei first but not most significant target is to muddy up the waters, to divert the attention of the TV-watchers. They are hitting the anarchists not only to shift the communications agenda, nor only to respond to their revolutionary challenges. The receptor of this message is society. If the lies and the false promises of the system are at last apparent, if all the mechanisms of securing social peace (the parties, the regime syndicalism, the ngos, the social partners...) are not convincing anybody anymore, the possibility that the oppressed will ally with their own selves, challenge the social contract, self-organise and reclaim the wealth they produce and the lives they live, is a possibility that causes terror to power and its lackeys. The 'busting of terrorism' has its eyes fixed on the coming battles, not on the battles already given. It attempts, along side other terror-campaigns, to break the teeth of the struggle of the oppressed, before it stops moaning and considers to bite. Supposing that they could exploit the "numbness" of the breaking news, that they would have, as in the case of the 17 of november, a "charity period" so that they could direct the scene, they attacked. But they are deluded. 2010 is no 2002. And if they are hoping for the law-abiding whimpering of the regime bound left and of the "progressive eponymous world", they are placing their hopes on an empty cell. Today they will not get a second of foreground, Our comrades are not alone. They shall not be alone for a single minute. Because, on the one hand, as anarchists we do not accept their social contract, nor do we recognise in their democratic legality anything more than the perpetuation of exploitation and heteronomy. And on the other hand, because as the exploited and the oppressed we know what struggles we must engage in, we know who is "ours" and who is an "other". Solidarity is our weapon. A very powerful weapon. All those "others" should rethink their error. Yes, our comrades will be hit. They are being dragged in court, libeled against and imprisoned. But the cops will find us outside the homes of the persecuted. They will find us in the courts, on the streets, in the squares. The judges will confornt us in their court rooms and will confess out of them. The Chrisochoidis men will realise that in the race of political climbing, they have mounted a lame horse. The journalists that the lies about their "vocation" is over and that the revelation of their being under police orders has started. We have occupied ESIEA, that trade-unionist lair of journalistic aristocracy, so as to make clear to all that we see and understand and will fight against the holy alliance of power. The tentacle called media sometimes comes to play an even more elevated role. The arrested MUST be condemned, the evidence MUST be enough, the case MUST be conclusive. They are no longer even pretending in their evening news in their angst to perform the job asigned to them. It is we who first called them "snitching scum", in a totalising and levelling way, and today not even a dozen of them can be found to be able to claim we have done wrong to their trade. It is we who never crawled to beg for their TV time, who based ourselves on our one means to project our positions and struggles. It is we who never became just one more flower in their flower-pot, and it is for this that our roots are so strong. It is we who have resisted to the 'sirens' of talking to the 'public opinion' and have insisted on talking with society. I is we whose existence in the last 35 years is the sole proof of their weakness. It is us they cannot blackmail. Te eponymous parrots of the security will be abandoned to ridicule and disvaluation. In our eyes there is no begging, but knowledge and rage. And if some feel we have wronged them, if some journalists fantasise that in this barrel of rotten apples they can remain fresh and honest, what can we say, hic Rodus hic salta. If they manage to perform their self-criticism before they rot, the better for them. This struggle is only beginning. We know what comes next. We shall stand on the side of our comrades unwaveringly, as we shall stand on the front line of the social war, on all its fronts and in all the coming struggles. To the final victory.
anarchists/ antiauthoritarians
Six of our comrades have been arrested and accused as terrorists. A comedy rehearsed a thousand times is once again staged on the theatre of 'public opinion'. The 'busting of terrorism' is a play that has been performed so many times that even the shortest of memories can accurately predict every single act of it. A play with famous well known producers, with known sold-out theatre critics, with a known public which watches passively and with the side balconies which are struggling to ruin the performance. And as always the usual victims. Why now, why in this way? Why did they choose this moment? There are no elections ahead of us. There are no Olympic Games. Nor government reshuffles, nor (at this moment) any new anti-terrorist laws. We have something far more substantial: the practical failure of the model of exploitation of the last decades. We have the total revelation of the lie of capitalist prosperity. We have the end of the myth that subordination and consent "pay off". How retarded do they think we are, so that they expect us not to notice that the premier of the "busting" play was only a few hours away from the completion of the deal of greek power with its international siblings for the management of their new attack against society? For many months now the communication campaign that advertises the need of the poor becoming voluntarily poorer is running parallel with another campaign: repression is spreading its tentacles everywhere. From the judiciary orgy of the Chalandri case, to the Wild West of money warrants, to the attacks on open political spaces, to the preventive detentions of thousands of people, to the attacks against self-organised projects, to the activation of the fascist stay-behinds...A campaign based on more local campaigns of terror for its realisation and its salvation every time it failed. From the "sanctuary of Exarcheia" to the "university asylum" and the "anniversary of December" we have ended up in the last month in the minutely detailed pre-announcement of targeting specific struggling people, until their final arrest. Thei first but not most significant target is to muddy up the waters, to divert the attention of the TV-watchers. They are hitting the anarchists not only to shift the communications agenda, nor only to respond to their revolutionary challenges. The receptor of this message is society. If the lies and the false promises of the system are at last apparent, if all the mechanisms of securing social peace (the parties, the regime syndicalism, the ngos, the social partners...) are not convincing anybody anymore, the possibility that the oppressed will ally with their own selves, challenge the social contract, self-organise and reclaim the wealth they produce and the lives they live, is a possibility that causes terror to power and its lackeys. The 'busting of terrorism' has its eyes fixed on the coming battles, not on the battles already given. It attempts, along side other terror-campaigns, to break the teeth of the struggle of the oppressed, before it stops moaning and considers to bite. Supposing that they could exploit the "numbness" of the breaking news, that they would have, as in the case of the 17 of november, a "charity period" so that they could direct the scene, they attacked. But they are deluded. 2010 is no 2002. And if they are hoping for the law-abiding whimpering of the regime bound left and of the "progressive eponymous world", they are placing their hopes on an empty cell. Today they will not get a second of foreground, Our comrades are not alone. They shall not be alone for a single minute. Because, on the one hand, as anarchists we do not accept their social contract, nor do we recognise in their democratic legality anything more than the perpetuation of exploitation and heteronomy. And on the other hand, because as the exploited and the oppressed we know what struggles we must engage in, we know who is "ours" and who is an "other". Solidarity is our weapon. A very powerful weapon. All those "others" should rethink their error. Yes, our comrades will be hit. They are being dragged in court, libeled against and imprisoned. But the cops will find us outside the homes of the persecuted. They will find us in the courts, on the streets, in the squares. The judges will confornt us in their court rooms and will confess out of them. The Chrisochoidis men will realise that in the race of political climbing, they have mounted a lame horse. The journalists that the lies about their "vocation" is over and that the revelation of their being under police orders has started. We have occupied ESIEA, that trade-unionist lair of journalistic aristocracy, so as to make clear to all that we see and understand and will fight against the holy alliance of power. The tentacle called media sometimes comes to play an even more elevated role. The arrested MUST be condemned, the evidence MUST be enough, the case MUST be conclusive. They are no longer even pretending in their evening news in their angst to perform the job asigned to them. It is we who first called them "snitching scum", in a totalising and levelling way, and today not even a dozen of them can be found to be able to claim we have done wrong to their trade. It is we who never crawled to beg for their TV time, who based ourselves on our one means to project our positions and struggles. It is we who never became just one more flower in their flower-pot, and it is for this that our roots are so strong. It is we who have resisted to the 'sirens' of talking to the 'public opinion' and have insisted on talking with society. I is we whose existence in the last 35 years is the sole proof of their weakness. It is us they cannot blackmail. Te eponymous parrots of the security will be abandoned to ridicule and disvaluation. In our eyes there is no begging, but knowledge and rage. And if some feel we have wronged them, if some journalists fantasise that in this barrel of rotten apples they can remain fresh and honest, what can we say, hic Rodus hic salta. If they manage to perform their self-criticism before they rot, the better for them. This struggle is only beginning. We know what comes next. We shall stand on the side of our comrades unwaveringly, as we shall stand on the front line of the social war, on all its fronts and in all the coming struggles. To the final victory.
anarchists/ antiauthoritarians
Apr 9, 2010
Everyday madness - Preaching to the converted
From the frozen mountains of sweden comes this piece of insult.
Everyday madness was a band active at the late 90's, coming from the city of lund (although, i think they have some type of connection with malmo).
Here's the one - and only - release of them, from '97.
I must admit that i don't know a fucking thing about this band except that here you can find rodrigo from intensity, satanic surfers and putrid filth conspiracy records.
With the first riff, the band catch you from the neck to make you feel the hardcore energy of the european scene of the late 90's.
Influeced basically from the old-school scene of us hardcore punk this six-persons (five boys - one girl) gang delivers the goods. Maybe not, as straight forward as intensity - I could describe them as intensity's little brother (energetic, but more emotional - not emo) -, but with great riffs, clean and heavy bass lines, mainly fast d-beat drumming with male / female vocals...
I'm not in a talk-talk-talk mood, 'cos i feel a little bit tired (but with three new vinyls in my disk-box. hehehe).
This lp has been recorded, mixed and engineered by Jocke Täck at Dundret Studios in the Swedish town Malmö, October 1996 and released by bad taste records.
I think it's impossible to find it, so...
P.S. thanx to d. from go filth go / black trinity who has sent it to me. cheers
Everyday madness was a band active at the late 90's, coming from the city of lund (although, i think they have some type of connection with malmo).
Here's the one - and only - release of them, from '97.
I must admit that i don't know a fucking thing about this band except that here you can find rodrigo from intensity, satanic surfers and putrid filth conspiracy records.
With the first riff, the band catch you from the neck to make you feel the hardcore energy of the european scene of the late 90's.
Influeced basically from the old-school scene of us hardcore punk this six-persons (five boys - one girl) gang delivers the goods. Maybe not, as straight forward as intensity - I could describe them as intensity's little brother (energetic, but more emotional - not emo) -, but with great riffs, clean and heavy bass lines, mainly fast d-beat drumming with male / female vocals...
I'm not in a talk-talk-talk mood, 'cos i feel a little bit tired (but with three new vinyls in my disk-box. hehehe).
This lp has been recorded, mixed and engineered by Jocke Täck at Dundret Studios in the Swedish town Malmö, October 1996 and released by bad taste records.
I think it's impossible to find it, so...
P.S. thanx to d. from go filth go / black trinity who has sent it to me. cheers
Apr 6, 2010
Sixteen Counts of Arson comp. arranged by Dbill
You may think that we turned this blog into a cassette mix-tape thing, and we are gonna post only self-made comps. Well, you're wrong. This shit has been scheduled and all the next posts are straight-forward proper releases. So, i'm leaving dbill to do the talking...
The art of
making a mix tape, or a compilation of mp3’s in our case, is a gentle one that
needs extra care and choises of great wisdom….this is not the situation here,
fuck modest attitudes and shit like that. These are some of the best hardcore
punk bands of today and past ages. Some have broken up, some are dead but their
fucking legacy lives on and keep rocking my world. Hope it rocks yours also.
Naturally we play this compilation after listening with extra caution at His
Hero Is Gone’s ‘’Monument to thieves’’ LP…the blogspot is named
FifteenCountOfArson after all…
Let’s get
1. Straightjacket Nation: Cheap Kicks
starts off a good compilation better that a good kick in the ass, and this is
what Straightjacket Nation serves in great quantities and qualities. Pissed off
rocking hardcore punk by bitter young punx who are dedicated to ruining your
life. Blown out production from their three song killer EP ‘’Cheap Kicks’’...
It sure is a kick, and a cheap one…come one, come all!
2. Skitkids: Weekday Suger Rov
‘’Besoket Vid Krubban’’ 12’’. This record totally brings a huge smile on my
face, whether i play it first thing in the morning or at pitch black night.
It’s like total Totalitar fanatics beat up ACDC and took their place, stealing
their equipment. A whirlwind of up tempo rocking hardcore that deals with
really important issues (READ THE LYRICS SHEET!!!), but can’t seem to handle
itself in a serious-esque manner. Really i can't really describe how rocking
this record is, you need to find out yourselves (especially Peio, if you are
reading this go get the fucking record!)….Ladies and dear scumbags…the
3. Death Token: 4 Track Attack
This is one
of the best 7’’ I have…period. A reason by itself to play punk, and the
greatest evidence that when you have the fucking urge and creativity
(''meraki'') you can produce homemade masterpieces. Recorded entirely on a 4
track recorder (hence the title..duh!), this blown out monster is a sound
engineers nightmare, so to say. Violent hardcore for losers, freaks, atrophic
punx and all around life drop outs. From Even Worse records. Stephen is a wreck. (check death token here and here)
4. Totalitar: Vi Ar Eliten
I don’t
think i have to write anything special for Totalitar. If you don’t have this
you might as well end your life (cause it was probably not worth it)…no one
will notice you anyways. Totalitar is punk itself. Their best LP so far (‘’Vi
Ar Eliten’’ on Prank recs.).
5. Rajahtaa: Crucified Child part II
Runour has
it that a casefull of evil Finlandia Vodka ended up in Kavala, in the northern
part of greece, and the combination of the sweet poison and the cold woods led
to the creation of this Fin bastard. From their demo CD-R. Hope they get back
on track and play gigs again…enjoy.
6. Kyklooppien Sukupuutto: Alyn Jattilaiset
Speaking of
the devil (finland),
I present you one of the most fucked up hardcore punk bands of
today…Kyklooppien Sukupuutto keep on putting one great record after the other.
Many punks can’t follow their uncompromising sound. Total distressed, chaotic
and anxious beats, led by a great personal political view of today. From
‘’Helvetin Elementit’’ ep. (check their split 7'' with death token here)
7. Kraut: Onward
It was
about time to move backwards in time, so that we can go onward with our
compilation. From their ‘’An Adjustment
to Society’’ LP 1982, these New Yorkers breath out true punk tunes. Exceptional
riffs with hooks, and great anthems. Classic.
8. Zero Boys: Civilizations Dying
One of my
personal favourite american hardcore punk bands, the Zero Boys put out records
that where way ahead of their time, leaving punks now and then jawdropping and
stunned. Meaningful songs, right fucking attitude towards the music industry,
the Boys have left us a true diamond of a record to marvel at. It has been
reissued, so don’t miss out on this one, trust me.
9. The Stress: Gennoktonia (Genocide)
One of greeces most
loved punk bands of the 80’s, and totally worth it. It is said that when The
Stress were to play outside of their hometown, athens(zofos), they had a crowd of 50 punx
following them around. Trully the first punk band with deep routed
anarchist/antiauthoritarian lyrics. I was a late comer to old greek punk, but
only now can i really appreciate it’s worth. From their LP ''O ihos tis
Anasfalias'' (The sound of Insecurity) out on Wipe Out records on 1985.
10. Gorilla Angreb: Pa Patrulje
…so to
smoothen things up a bit more, and add a touch of atmosphere. Gorilla Angreb
are from the city of Kobenhavn (also city of Stephen the jerk!), and
released a handful of ep’s and an 12'', "Bedre Tider" from which we get this
song. Most of their tracks are more garage punky and straight forward, with a
good mix of melodic leads and not so eerie as this track (which reminds me of a
mix between the Wipers and Neil Young’s Dead Man OST as I have written before).
Exceptional punk band.
11. Invasion: Destino Final
Keeping the
atmosphere, adding huge amounts of angst and a heavy rocking claustrophobic
feeling we have Invasion (now named Destino Final). Like a punk bastard of
Japanese hardcore recorded by a lo-fi black metal fanatic, these spaniards
really get me going with their amazing releases. Simple to the core music and
graphics, these punks have kept things to its roots, while having an impressive
attitude, showing solidarity to the anarchist movement, proving that they feel
deep inside what they stand and sing for. This is the closing track of the ‘’La
Casa’’ 12’’. Fucking good music.
12. Crude: No Light Soul of State
What can
one write about this amazing Japanese hardcore outfit…? The guitar work is
absolutely out of this world, the
tracks make you pump your fist to the air in no time, and these Japs will have
you singing along all their choruses all day long. Completely powerful burning
spirits style, melodic and epic from their ‘’Attitude 2000’’ LP out on Yannick’s
very own Feral Ward records. This record can redefine what you think hardcore
punk is.
13. Burial: Eternal Excess
wouldn’t be a compilation without the beloved german wolves ripping your heart
out with this bomb of a song, Japanese style. Burial is undoubtably one of THE
best hardcore punk bands of our time. One of the few bands that are even more
ferocious live on stage serving you a hellish time that leads to many heart
attacks amongst the punx. From their split with Crude and Nightmare, this track
is another fatal shot, by a band that knows how to evolve their style record after record. Listen to this all day, and then to the rest of their records (but not
at their split with Antimob cause that sucks monkey ass!).
14. Selfish: Burning Sensation
No other
band captures the ‘’fuck you all, I will make it through’’ attitude more than
Selfish. These Finns have invaded japan and stole most of its talent, serving
it in heavy doses of rocking hardcore. Fuck boredom, Selfish are here like a
spinning ball of pure adrenaline energy to get your ass either moved or fucked…your
choice. The song says it all: Fucking boredom, Burning Sensation for Life. From
their s/t LP (again on Yannick’s Feral Ward…geez the guy never stops putting
out awesome records!). (check also selfish here and here)
15. Death Side: Fight Your Way
We can’t go
without the true masters of the burning spirits sound. Death Side strikes with
fire, torching everything to ashes with their destructive sound. Amazing
releases (this one being from the ‘’Bet on the Possibility’’ LP) are their huge
legacy to the punk world. Sadly the punk world lost this amazing guitarist, Chelsea (also of Paintbox
fame) some time ago. So play this tune loud cause the leads are inspired from
the heart. Death Side.
16. Mortuus: Supplification for the Demise of All
A closing
special, this is nor hardcore punk, nor fast and furious. Just plain death
worshiping nordic Black Metal by two swedes. Cathartic and atmospheric as it
is, it serves as a good spiritual closing to this compilation, for the cold
heart. As far as I have read there are no suspicious views from this band, and
they seem to have a different perception of the world we live in, mostly
concerning death. From their LP ‘’De Contemplanda Morte’’.
download (and leave twenty comments each...)
Naturally many great bands were not included, so a second strike of dbills
hardcorepunk seminars should be awaited in tremble and fear. Now go make your
own kick ass band you lazy bastards, and stop listening to other people’s
Labels :
Fifteencountsofarson comp,
Apr 4, 2010
"Everyday when I wake up I know I've failed. Something to live for is hard to find, I'd like to think that I know tomorrow. I need to leave it all behind"
The first one that will comment about the title (from which band it is...) will earn a secret, hot, erotic night with me (fuck, i hope the first would be a girl). I am waiting dbill to sit his own ass down and make a happy-birthday comp of his favourite hardcore punk tunes, but as you may already figure-it-out, he is drowning with the university's stuff (τελειωνε τη γαμωδιπλοματικη).
So, i will make my own comp, and when db-ill makes his own, i will think if i'll post it. I am the boss in case you forgot it..
So, let's start...
1. The assasinators - A for anarki
From the freezing city of copenhagen, former members of paragraf 119 delivers sweet, up-tempo, anarchist punk-rock. I'll post their lp some day soon, so stay tuned.
2. Destino final - Que vas a hacer
Another band that has me stucked (sweet dbill's words). "they rule, γαμανε μανες" etc. Get the reverb on vocals up to 11, throw some well-hidden japcore here and there, add amazing drum-parts and you got Destino final.
3. Out cold - Total human monster
Boston's finest. With the first note you want to punch your best friend on the head.
"and i know.. I can't fail...". total old-school monster.(all the thanx, from my heart, goes to fugitive equilibrium. thanx, bat)
4. Battle of disarm - In the war
One of my favourite japanese crusties. In the war from the self titled seveninch.
D-beat as it was meant to be. Ugly, distorted and from the heart.
5. Arnitiki stasi (negative stance) - To kouti tis pandoras (Pandora's box)
One of the best bands that ever came out of greece. Late 80's - early 90's era. The sound is not the best but you have to pay attention to the great drum works. Simply amazing
6. Kafka - Generazione di stupidita
A friend of mine once told me : "If biohazard were from italy and they didn't play for money their name would be kafka". NYC breaks alongside heavy slayer riffs and screaming vocals. wow....
7. Masskontrol - Not the work of mother nature
Do i have to say anything about masskontrol, really? Portland crust at it's finest by the guys that make it a trend (i don't mean they wanted to...). Their members also plays in one million other bands...
8. Bastard - Misery
Japan's best band (for me). Fast, agressive, solid, with great production. Death side or bastard conflict reminds me the maradonna - pele thing. I prefer stelios manolas. hehehe. Check etacarinae's cover on this song.... Miseelllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy, fucking bastard!
9. Intensity - Silence = Consent
One of my favourite bands from sweden. Old-school, us influenced hardcore...
Break the silence, now...
10. No hope for the kids - Secret police
Danish punk rock for endless sing-alongs. Check their discography here
11. Despite everything - All your faults
A new band from greece that fucking rips. Amazing punk-rock alongside melodic american hardcore from members of 925, nekra katsikia trikavalo, endsight and censored sound. In this song some lyrics are stolen from 925's "wall of prejudice". They have released two 7inches...
12. Hammers - Mass producing death
My favourite englishmen once again... Amazing band that finally will come to greece. Check them.
13. Burial - The incurable fever
What a band. The best japcore band. I love them. I choose this one, insteed of "heart is truth"...
Right decision? Who knows... Also, here
14. Victims - Running for escape
For me, the best dis-band nowadays. nough said. (Unfortunately, they signed for deathwish inc. α ρε κατακαημενο diy)
15. Tragedy - Under the radar
I didn't make it. I couldn't make it. I'm posting tragedy. Yeah, i know... emofaggot. yeah, i know...
I just couldn't... They rule... And i'm currently screaming "I'M NO MASTER'S SLAVE"
download (and leave ten comments each...)
So, i will make my own comp, and when db-ill makes his own, i will think if i'll post it. I am the boss in case you forgot it..
So, let's start...
1. The assasinators - A for anarki
From the freezing city of copenhagen, former members of paragraf 119 delivers sweet, up-tempo, anarchist punk-rock. I'll post their lp some day soon, so stay tuned.
2. Destino final - Que vas a hacer
Another band that has me stucked (sweet dbill's words). "they rule, γαμανε μανες" etc. Get the reverb on vocals up to 11, throw some well-hidden japcore here and there, add amazing drum-parts and you got Destino final.
3. Out cold - Total human monster
Boston's finest. With the first note you want to punch your best friend on the head.
"and i know.. I can't fail...". total old-school monster.(all the thanx, from my heart, goes to fugitive equilibrium. thanx, bat)
4. Battle of disarm - In the war
One of my favourite japanese crusties. In the war from the self titled seveninch.
D-beat as it was meant to be. Ugly, distorted and from the heart.
5. Arnitiki stasi (negative stance) - To kouti tis pandoras (Pandora's box)
One of the best bands that ever came out of greece. Late 80's - early 90's era. The sound is not the best but you have to pay attention to the great drum works. Simply amazing
6. Kafka - Generazione di stupidita
A friend of mine once told me : "If biohazard were from italy and they didn't play for money their name would be kafka". NYC breaks alongside heavy slayer riffs and screaming vocals. wow....
7. Masskontrol - Not the work of mother nature
Do i have to say anything about masskontrol, really? Portland crust at it's finest by the guys that make it a trend (i don't mean they wanted to...). Their members also plays in one million other bands...
8. Bastard - Misery
Japan's best band (for me). Fast, agressive, solid, with great production. Death side or bastard conflict reminds me the maradonna - pele thing. I prefer stelios manolas. hehehe. Check etacarinae's cover on this song.... Miseelllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyy, fucking bastard!
9. Intensity - Silence = Consent
One of my favourite bands from sweden. Old-school, us influenced hardcore...
Break the silence, now...
10. No hope for the kids - Secret police
Danish punk rock for endless sing-alongs. Check their discography here
11. Despite everything - All your faults
A new band from greece that fucking rips. Amazing punk-rock alongside melodic american hardcore from members of 925, nekra katsikia trikavalo, endsight and censored sound. In this song some lyrics are stolen from 925's "wall of prejudice". They have released two 7inches...
12. Hammers - Mass producing death
My favourite englishmen once again... Amazing band that finally will come to greece. Check them.
13. Burial - The incurable fever
What a band. The best japcore band. I love them. I choose this one, insteed of "heart is truth"...
Right decision? Who knows... Also, here
14. Victims - Running for escape
For me, the best dis-band nowadays. nough said. (Unfortunately, they signed for deathwish inc. α ρε κατακαημενο diy)
15. Tragedy - Under the radar
I didn't make it. I couldn't make it. I'm posting tragedy. Yeah, i know... emofaggot. yeah, i know...
I just couldn't... They rule... And i'm currently screaming "I'M NO MASTER'S SLAVE"
download (and leave ten comments each...)
Labels :
Fifteencountsofarson comp,
Apr 2, 2010
Blank Stare - First 7'' & 2008 Lp
As you may already know i'm not the biggest fan of the new wave of straight edge that came out from usa the last years. I think this genre is fucked up and has become a life-styled, consumerist thing for rich white kids.
i may sounding like a puritan, but when i hear the words straight and edge together one thing comes in mind : macho. I'm sure that i don't have to explain why i think macho fucked up. Add the rising neo-nazi influence on straight edge bands and you got the picture.
But, all hell gonna breal loose... one day.
One of the above mentioned bands was NOT Blank stare. Four guys from boston (what a hometown, if you are from boston you must be a straight-edger?) decided to play mind-blowing old-school hardcore punk in your fucking face.
Here you get their first 7'' from 2005 that these guys have released by themselves, and their lp from 2008. No youthcrew - No macho bullshit. This is the real deal. Angry and negative as the real life is. Forget the beautiful dreams and the "positive hardcore. Positive youth" shit. The titles are bitter and mean ("fuck your life", "fuck drugs, fuck you" etc). This is a wallbreaker. Imagine chris colohan's early years (left for dead / haymaker) jamming with intensity ("wash off the lies" era) covering down in flames! Sounds good, ha? The band no longer exists but members can be found in social circkle. If you are in the "Have-Heart" thing this is definetely not for you. No nice drums, no nice bridges, no nice at all! I can't wait the words of dbill for this one.
Once more : negative, Negative, NEGATIVE NEGATIVITY!!!
Old-school hardcore as it was meant to be.
i may sounding like a puritan, but when i hear the words straight and edge together one thing comes in mind : macho. I'm sure that i don't have to explain why i think macho fucked up. Add the rising neo-nazi influence on straight edge bands and you got the picture.
But, all hell gonna breal loose... one day.
One of the above mentioned bands was NOT Blank stare. Four guys from boston (what a hometown, if you are from boston you must be a straight-edger?) decided to play mind-blowing old-school hardcore punk in your fucking face.
Here you get their first 7'' from 2005 that these guys have released by themselves, and their lp from 2008. No youthcrew - No macho bullshit. This is the real deal. Angry and negative as the real life is. Forget the beautiful dreams and the "positive hardcore. Positive youth" shit. The titles are bitter and mean ("fuck your life", "fuck drugs, fuck you" etc). This is a wallbreaker. Imagine chris colohan's early years (left for dead / haymaker) jamming with intensity ("wash off the lies" era) covering down in flames! Sounds good, ha? The band no longer exists but members can be found in social circkle. If you are in the "Have-Heart" thing this is definetely not for you. No nice drums, no nice bridges, no nice at all! I can't wait the words of dbill for this one.
Once more : negative, Negative, NEGATIVE NEGATIVITY!!!
Old-school hardcore as it was meant to be.
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