Nov 25, 2013

Wasted - Here comes the darkness


Wasted is a punk rock quartet who form in Joensuu, Finland back in 1996 and this is their latest album released some days ago from Combat Rock Industry (a label that i never seemed to get along with - the only album i've ever buyed from them is "Killer" from VICTIMS). In their sixth album Wasted delivers once again great old-school punk rock much influenced from bands such as The Clash, The Adolescents, The Wipers etc. If you liked their previous album "Outsider by choice" i think you'll fall in love with this one because all the great stuff which made Wasted so famous among the punk-rockers all over the globe are here present too. Easy to learn choruses, guitar riffs that goes in your head like a nail in a coffin while you're trying to catch the melody from one of the songs going through your walk in the morning and a moody feeling above the whole lyrics, resumes the intensity of the band's live performaces with exausted crowds and endless sing-alongs. The album contains 10 tracks and all can be described as "radio-edit hits". You're maybe know my love for old-school stuff and this album made it in my picks for "the album of the year", plus if you call yourself a dj you owe to your friends always playing "Death Bells" and let them hit you in the face.

"We gonna steal that what is ours
Death bells are ringing - It's time for new beginning"


Oct 30, 2013

Proxy - Police car 7''

Sometimes it's so hard to find the correct words to describe something, a feeling, a movie or even a song and some of these times is happening right now as i'm writing this boring words trying to make 'em something worth paying attention to it. And still, i can't find the proper words. As my pal D. did a brilliant review for a "blog" about Proxy's first album "Something we've all seen before" i've chosen to review the band's latest - the third - release called "Police car". The self titled track have been also part of the mind-blowing first demo of the band two years ago and i have to confess the demo's version was more raw and ugly than this one. The band i think tried to put out a 7'' full of rock'n'roll influences blending the ultra powerfull UK82 style ala Blitz (first era), Varukers or/and GBH (and a little bit of Infa-Riot??? listen the track "Schackled to a corpse" from their 12'' and you'll see) with heavily Motorhead influenced parts and as a result this release tends to by more "funny" and ass-kicking in a good way. "Fountain of Youth" is my favourite track and you can think of me pogo-ing my self while yelling WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT, ANYWAY. Too many good albums and seveninches lately guys, and i can't afford to buy them all, so now you know what i want for a gift for my birthaday. Released by DiscosMMM, go grab it.


Oct 22, 2013

No Problem - Living in the void 7''

When No Problem released "And now This" lp, i was too cool to give a damn although a bunch of friends expressed their belief that (the word that seems to be my favourite word lately) these canadians from Edmonton is one of the few really a-class hardcore-punk bands out there. I didn't take the bait, as i've done with Hoax and other great bands that had no appeal to me. And for sure, i was so deadly wrong about them and i explain : their above mentioned LP is by far the most played album lately in my car and their third ep called "Living in the void" is equally good. The self titled track goes on with one and only riff that stays in your head forever while the vocal changes make you wanna sing so LOUDDD. In the end, is this the magic of punk or what? Three chords, a lot of ungry voices and fists in the air. Yep, that is Punk, and No Problem trully delivers. "What have i become" is somewhere betwwen "enemies", "paranoid times" or "r'n'r deathcamp" and "Happy family" make me think of Ramones playing hardcore....


No Problem @ OCCII from DarcyTrash on Vimeo.

Oct 16, 2013

Replica - Self titled 7''

We've talked about Replica once in the past, when they released their first demo. What chganged since then? Not so much i guess, except that Replica still is a fucking rager. This is their first 7'' released this year from Prank records and Cut the chord that...records. Here we have 5 songs of pure old-school pissed-off, fast and tight hardcore perfectness. the band re-recorded my personal fav "you can't stop the weather" giving it more boost, plus the song "big black boots" got the great dual vocals that i really love. 5 songs in 6 mins and 40 seconds, this is a hardcore shot, drink responsibly. A great release and i'm expecting more great stuff from a trully great band. Check also the live video at the bottom. Cheers...

download (rip taken from no punks in k-town)

Oct 8, 2013

ΛΗΘΗ & ΚΑΤΑΧΝΙΑ live @ Kalidromiou 94

Σάββατο, 5 του Οκτώβρη και όλα φαίνονταν να πηγαίνουν λάθος. Οι αφίσες που κολλήθηκαν τελευταία στιγμή, το ξέχειλο άγχος, το πανό που έφτιαξε η Χ. μπαμ μπαμ χωρίς να γίνει όπως θα ήθελε. Κατα την έκτη απογευματινή αρχισαν να εμφανίζονται οι γνώριμες φάτσες ενω ήδη ο Pale και ο Κ. σκούπιζαν το καταραμένο υπόγειο στον αριθμό 94 ενός δρόμου σε μια κάποια περιοχη.

Ενώ οι ώρες πέρναγαν και εγώ βάραγα τη μια ντάγκλα μετά την άλλη, τα δυο συγκροτήματα έκαναν την εμφάνιση τους και ξεκίνησαν τα sound-check δειλά δειλά. Οι ώρες πέρναγαν βασανιστηκά μέχρι που τελικά κατά την δεκάτη βραδυνή το υπογειάκi ήταν σχεδόν ασφυκτικά γεμάτο - εγώ ανέπνεα πάλι κανονικά και ο κύριος "αγχώνομαι όταν" γιάσονας μου έλεγε "στα λεγα γω" - και τι καλύτερο από ένα γρήγορο μεταλικό τζαζ από την πάτρα. Και τζαζ όχι μουσικό αλλα εγκεφαλικό, γιατί τα άτομα είναι τελείως τζαζεμένα στη σκία μιας πόλης νεκρής.

Ναι, οι ΛΗΘΗ αυτό που κανουν είναι να σε τραβάνε απ' τον αργο νυσταλέο λήθαργο που έχεις καταλήξει αν ζεις σε μια βρωμόπολη και μισείς τα πάντα γυρω σου. Με κάτι στίχους απο τα πιο νοσύρα όνειρα του Tim Burton (και τίτλους τραγουδιών όπως ΨΩΡΑΛΕΑ ΔΥΣΑΝΘΡΩΠΙΛΑ, τι σκέφτονται τα άτομα άραγες????), “Είδα τον Έρεβο μέσα σου άθρωπε / Κάτ'απ'το προσωπείο της συνήθειας / Είδα τη μοίρα που ήξερες άθρωπε / Ένα βασίλειο δυστυχίας, πλανεμένης λογικής”. Οι επιρροές απο Sludge και Doom ηταν εμφανης και μάλλον παιζει ρόλο και οι ενασχόληση των παιδιών με διάφορες τέτοιες μπαντες. Άρα, έχουμε και λέμε, κάργα μεταλλικό ΚΡΑΣΤ που έδειξε να τρελαίνει τον κοσμάκη – και τρελαινει εμένα όποτε ακουώ το lp σπίτι μου, αναμένω την επίσημη κυκλοφορία - αν κρίνω σωστά απ΄τα χαμόγελα στο τέλος του σετ. Να μη ξεχάσω την υπερτέλεια διασκευή στο Conflicting ideas των Tragedy...

Πάμε τώρα στο ζουμί. Είμαι σίγουρος πως οι περισσότεροι είχαν ακούσει δίπλα στο όνομα Καταχνιά αυτό των Επιθανάτιος Ρόγχος και δεν έπεσαν έξω. Λοιπόν, θα τολμήσω να πω, πως η ΚΑΤΑΧΝΙΑ είναι όνομα και πράμα. Μαυρη μαυρίλα (πλάκωσε, μαύρη σα καλιακούδα) και σίγουρα η καινούρια αγαπημένη μου μπάντα. Δυνατό, γρήγορο drum beat με τέρμα καθαρό μπασσο οδοστρωτήρα, μια κιθάρα με ένα φαινομενικά μιζερο ανθρωπάκι να εξαπολύει στίχους βουτηγένους στο δηλητήριο σαν ποιητής λίγο πριν την ύστατη πνοή και άλλον έναν κιθαρίστα που ροκαρε συνεχώς γιατι στη τελική στ' αρχίδια του όλα. Αν οι Επιθανάτιοι είχαν ξεκάθαρες επιρροές από αυτό το φαινόμενο του neo-crust, η Καταχνια ειναι σε πιο back to the basics φάση, θυμιζοντάς μου αυτό το τέλειο 90's ελληνικό hardcore / crust αλα ΝΑΥΤΙΑ αλλά εννοείται με τέρμα προσωπικό στυλ. Μεγάλο σετ που σε αντίθεση με άλλες μπαμτες που λες "αντε μεγάλε τέλειωνε", στην προκειμένη έλεγες “δε χορταινω, γαμω το σπίτι μου”. Πέριμένω σαν διψασμένος το LP τους που είναι σχεδόν έτοιμο και ξεκάθαρα δηλώνω : μη χάσετε live αυτή τη μπάντα για κανέναν λόγο του κόσμου...

Τέλος βραδυάς με ταμείο, μάζεμα κουτακίων, χαμόγελα μέχρι τα αυτιά για ακόμα μια Live-αρα που είδαμε και πήραμε μέρος. Εγώ τέλος, δε μπορώ να μην ευχαριστήσω τους ΛΗΘΗ και ΚΑΤΑΧΝΙΑ που ήρθαν και γάμησαν τ'αυτιά μας, την ηρώ, τον βας, τον γιάσονα, τον ζορζ, τον γερβόα, την Χ. τον σκαλκρασερ όπως επίσης και τους υπογειώτες του 94 που μας αγκάλιασαν και βοήθησαν στα δύσκολα να γίνει το live, όλες οι φωτογραφιες απο τον μέγα Nick Pale.... ΑΑΑΑΑΑ και να μη ξεχαστώ, εγώ θα ξαναδω ΚΑΤΑΧΝΙΑ το σάββατο, γατάκια...

Oct 1, 2013

Deadly Reign - Slave 7''

Deadly Reign have released the best album of 2001 under the name "No end in sight". Now, two years later they come in the same deadly style. Tight and furious hardcore punk. "Slave" released through Profane existence records and contains three scissor cutting tracks for all the fans of non-boring D-Beat madness. They have members of World burns to death, Scarred for life and Till death. I've said before that "who are we shooting at?" may be my favourite track from Deadly Reign but "Employment of slaves" is a big contender. An ace seveninch worth to checking out.


Sep 16, 2013

Criaturas - Espiritu de libertad

“Πριν απο λιγες μερες εκει κοντα, στην οδο Βιλαντ, ειχαμε χορεψει για τα καλα καμια τριανταρια μπατσους. Χοροπηδουσαν κατω απ'τα κυματα της φωτιας. Οι μαυρες σκιες τους περιστρεφονταν αναρχα στις πορτοκαλιες λαμψεις της πυρακτωμενης βενζινης. Οι φωνες εκπληξης, φοβου και πονου, μας πυρπολουσαν την καρδια.”

Ζαν - Μαρκ Ρουιγιαν "Μισω τα πρωινα"

Not so much to say, Criaturas comes from austin, texas and they have already released two 7'' and a full-lenght. As a huge fan of the latino hardcore punk scene i couldn't have my hands on it. For those you are familiar with Desconocidos (whose members are involved here too) you know what to except. Criaturas i think is a more speed up version in the usual latin punk style. The self titled track is tha fucking anthem. This album is one of the contenders for the album of the year, guys. This is the spirit of liberation...

Aug 23, 2013

Criminal Damage - Call of death

You got back from your vacations. You've been there for a week at most. You feel nostalgia and anger when you look at the concrete in the front of your door. You wish to had the guts to talk to talk to that girl on the beach. Monday morning your boss will have the look "you-got-vacations-now-back-to-work" and you'll wanna smack him. Ok, spin the new Criminal Damage record and try a walk, man. Winter is not coming yet. Criminal Damage is the "the most anticipating album" band and their third lp is out already after such a long time. I still prefer their first album but you know what you'll get. Amazing english punk ala BLITZ with dual vocals and steady rhythms, poppy and happy tunes with dark and tough lyrics. Songs like "the storm" or "anxiety" are instant hits and i think you'll have the album spinning again again. Well done mr. Burdette and the rest of the Criminal Damagers.


Jul 31, 2013

Selfish - Life Has No Vacant Time

You already know Selfish. You may know the fellow finnishpunks to be the most boring punk band ever to watch live but they've released some the best japcore albums ever. Life has no vacant time is their latest album on Feral Ward records. It's been recorded some years ago but never saw the light of day until now. Heavy and in your face like a fighting movie scene directed by Chan-Wook Park. "life in every breath" kicks in like a kick trying to destroy an enormous door. oh man, i had a long time to listen such a good jap record. The flying solos and the biting vocals, the fast tempos. Everything is absolutely perfect here, nothing will make you feel numb or bored. Grab a huge glass full of london's finset dry gin with tonic, hold this record in your hands and go to the nearest beach bar. Grab the neck of the stupid dj, hit him hard and play SELFISH know Life has no vacant time.


Jul 8, 2013

RAPPA - the still grey sky

Oh God, why japan have to be so fucking brutal? I think Disturd is the best crust band out there right now - and they have a new two-track cassette released - but Rappa came as a hurricane in my face. Brutal and aggressive hardcore with lots of crust hints. Crazy speed drums, axe-giutars and lunatic vocals with all tracks nearly to 1 minutefrom ex-members of GOUKA. That's crazy stuff. If you think this blog is dead, well it is, but RAPPA deserve to be here.that's what bombing out my stereo alongside to Violent arrest and Chokehold, it worth your time.


Jun 6, 2013

The Varukers

If you wanna be trendy, look elsewhere. Here's the Varukers first ep ( also known as "Protest and survive" ep) and here's the first step in d-beat's odyssey. Varukers alongside GBH, Amebix and Discharge created (by accident?) that music genre known as UK82. Classic 77 punk blending the heaviness of Motorhead and heavy, monolithic drum beats and anarchist ideology. All of the four tracks included here are fucking classic and this 7'' is all i want for my summer craziness plus Discharge's "Realities of war" ep and Motorhead's "Bomber" ep. That's it.


May 22, 2013

Out Cold - A Heated Display

As i promised, this is the new Out Cold album, released some months ago on a cd format and it's scheduled to be released on a lp in some months. I'm not going to start explain the importance of Out Cold, lyrically and musically, for the hardcore "scene" or how different they sound in this album, cause they don't. If you're interested you can read some previous reviews HERE. All tracks have been recorded somewhere in 2005 after "Goodbye cruel world" release except the vocals. The vocals recording done in 2012 from Kevin Mertens (band's first singer). Still i don't know if i can like the voice of Kevin Mertens who sings here, seems that Mark's voice is and always be tremendous and attacking and cannot be compared. Now, some tips about the album as John (drummer) write it down on Out Cold's page (the whole column can be found here):

"In 2005, shortly after the release of the "Goodbye Cruel World" album and the "Planned Accidents" EP, Mark & I went through an unprecedented writing spurt. Over the course of just a few months we had written the music for 28 songs, enough for two albums. In December of that year, the two of us went into the studio and laid down the guitar and drum tracks for all 28 songs in just two days. Wanting to achieve a higher level of production than on our previous releases, we went to the expense of bringing Daniel Rey up from New York for the weekend to supervise the sessions.

Even stranger, after these sessions had sat in limbo for some length of time, Mark put forth to me the notion of having Kevin Mertens, our first singer who left the group after the first album way back in 1994, do the vocals on them. The idea was so out of left field to me...I was incredulous. I told him that, while I had nothing against Kevin or his vocal style or anything like that, it was just too weird...and unecessary. Mark was our vocalist and had been for the last five albums and well over ten years. To bring Kevin back at this point was just beyond bizarre."

download (file removed by request)

May 13, 2013

Eyesore - Love the old, learn the new

Eyesore is a punk band from japan playing a blend of old-school USHC ala die kreuzen, minor threat and the likes of the era but with a personal style. This 7'' released back in 2011 from Crew for life records (what a name!!) and delivers six short fused and angry tracks full of speedy but catchy drums, simple hardcore riffs and a yelling vocalist. Those of you that like Total Fury i'm sure that you'll like Eyesore too. Also, eyesore had the guts to cover an Out Cold track for the upcoming VA - A tribute to Out cold Lp featuring 10 japanese bands. Eyesore have what it takes.


May 8, 2013

Sickoids - No home

Long time no see. Trying to overcome some technical problems, as my external hard driver has been burnt off and i don't know if i can fix him (or how much money) i hadn't the best time lately. I won't start to grumble so let's focus. What i knew about sickoids was that they are a totally tough band and by tough i don't mean all that muscle pumped tough guy hardcore bands but the toughness you get from a raging bull on second before he demolishes his attack and their first LP was the proof. What i didn't know is that they feature members of Government Warning and Witch Hunt and they have a new 12'' out there released from Sorry State Records. To be honest i was waiting for the new Active Minds and the new Out Cold (yes, they have a brand new lp out...) Lps but "No Home" came in as a tornado. "Occupy your time" starts out with that crazy mid-tempo bass line and the drums start rolling over and then the vocals, and then you press repeat. Yep, the lenght of the album is twelve long minutes and yes this is a hardcore album. "Delusion" will be on my new mix comp before Partisan's 17years of hell, oh yeahhhhhhhh.


Feb 26, 2013

Hassler - self titled 7''

Hassler comes from toronto, canada and they are really good. What else can you except from a drummer that wears an ENTOMBED shirt and a bassist on a RAZOR shirt? The dudes have to enjoy the good old metal. Now, to the point. Hassler done the simple trick. Simple, short and raging tracks thrashing up the whole place. They had compared to Carrer Suicide and Double Negative and that's no coincedence, bro. A solid 7'' that needs your attention


Feb 10, 2013

Institution - domen är satt

Write 1000 times more the word Totalitär and then you might get the picture.

Jan 3, 2013

Shut the fuck up & The Rats - split 7''

This gonna be a short one. Shut the fuck up (don't be confused with STFU from bay area) and The Rats are two totally unknown bands and they are both brilliant. SHUT THE FUCK UP comes from germany delivering some furious fast hardcore punk tunes reminding bands like Tear it Up and Down in flames but with more groove while The Rats comes from Umea, Sweden and as you probably imagine they add more of the famous Umea melodies without being melodic. It's just Umea hardcore blending with old-school hardcore punk. Both bands totally deserve your attention but i don't know if they are still active. The 7'' released by Thrashbastard records back in 2006 and the rip have been nicely delivered to me by oldschoolmike. Thanx dude.
